I don't even know how to begin writing about my experience capturing this wedding. I met the couple for the first time an hour before the wedding (as I often do when 'second shooting' with another photographer) and was not prepared for the vitality, sincerity, and depth of their love. I obviously knew nothing of their story, how they came to be at this pivotal time of life, but within minutes of being 'attached' to the groom for the day (another thing that is typical of shooting 'second'), I realized I had never heard a true love story such as this. With the world as their stage, this unlikely pair came together through war and conflict, art and love, writing, loving, losing, living. The tears started flowing from the moment the passionate gut-stringed violin solo from Last of the Mohicans started, through the recital of the most tender and awe inspiring vows, to the reading of a letter from a loved one far away, to their new shared home where they planted two trees honoring their special day. What a wonderful way to spending a weekend!